Our web developers are well-versed in front-end and back-end development. Armed with the latest development tools and frameworks including AngularJS, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, WordPress, Drupal, Sitecore, etc., our developers take your business to the next level. We build business applications while keeping your future needs in mind.
Accessibility standards were created to ensure equal access to content and applications, no matter their physical or cognitive abilities. Advanced website accessibility solutions that help ensure ADA compliance and comply with accessibility laws, policies, standards, and best principles. The AI-powered widget can be used on all the platforms including WordPress and Drupal which provides the best possible user experience.
We understand that at some point your business requires a further extension. With the third-party API integration service, we help streamline your business processes and ensure a better customer experience at the same time. Our team is experienced in API Integration, CMS systems, Payment API Integration, Shipping APIs, and other cloud-based APIs.
With an in-depth understanding of various tech platforms, components, both open-source, and proprietary, we scale or extend your business functions to address evolving needs. We can integrate new software with custom-made or platform-based tools like ERP and CRM.
Information architecture (IA) focuses on the aspects of designing, organizing, structuring, and labeling content in an effective and efficient manner. An IA might also produce a taxonomy of how content and products on a site should be classified, or a prototype illustrating how the information should change on screen as a user progresses through a task.
By categorizing the different types of content that you create and labeling it, it will help you better manage, plan, and organize content for your audience.
By categorizing the different types of content that you create and labeling it, it will help you better manage, plan, and organize content for your audience.
Navigation is the key to managing the connectivity on the online platform. We provide simple yet friendly navigation, to guide users through your site seamlessly that can be easily remembered and used by the user.
Log file analysis identifies what users are searching for, how often each query was searched, and how many results each query retrieved. Thus, search analytics plays an important role in improving your content, navigation, and search performance to meet users' needs.
Categorize your content into groups according to the organization schemes, organization structures, broad hierarchies, and narrow hierarchies, which helps users interact with your product effortlessly.
By categorizing the different types of content that you create and labeling it, itwill help you better manage, plan, and organize content for your audience.
Navigation is the key to managing the connectivity on the online platform. We Provide simple yet friendly navigation, to guide users through your site seamlessly that can be easily remembered and used by the user.
Log file analysis identifies what users are searching for, how often each query was searched, and how many results each query retrieved. Thus, search analytics plays an important role in improving your content, navigation and search performance to meet users' needs.
Wireframing, the blueprints of a digital design, and a phased approach are a large part of IA. We understand a site’s content and the user's vocabulary before conducting generative research such as card sorting. It helps to choose what items to include and the terminology to use on the cards. Information architecture activities relate equally to the contents, contexts, and intents that foster user experience planning, or architecture, activities that articulate a strategy and roadmap for digital user engagement. We create a style guide to ensure continued integrity in systems while delivering a digital experience as a product or service through interactive and engaging design.